松树皮提取物是很强的抗氧化剂,对炎症有很好的效果。DR BOCK说它是少有的几个之一能够穿越大脑屏障的。
Pycnogenol碧萝芷,天然抗氧化剂产品,提取自法国沿海松树树皮。 它是一个以前花青素为主的复合物,含有40多种生物活性成分,包括生物类黄酮、有机酸及其他有生物活性的成分。它含有高效的有机抗氧化剂较大的前花青素分子(生物类黄酮)和较小的,如儿茶酚、表儿茶素和有机酸这样的小分子。这些分子的大小差异使得这些抗氧化剂既能渗入到细胞内部,又能够随血流循环保护细胞的外部,在自由基还未能开始攻击人体组织之前将它们消灭。

主要成分: 碧萝芷(法国沿海松树树皮提取物)
其他成分: 植物胶囊,微晶纤维素,二氧化硅, 硬脂酸镁
本品不含: 牛奶蛋白/酪蛋白,鸡蛋,鱼/贝类,坚果, 花生, 小麦/麸质,玉米, 酵母菌, 大豆, 人工色素,调味剂,防腐剂


请置于干燥阴凉处(59 - 77 华氏度之间/15-25 摄氏度之间),儿童碰触不到的地方

Pycnogenol 50 mg 90 tabs 

Pycnogenol, an "AMNI Original Formula", comes in a new Douglas Labs label. (AMNI is part of Douglas Labs).

Pycnogenol tablets, provided by Advanced Medical Nutrition, contain 100% pure, patented pine bark extract from Horphag Research, Ltd. Each scored tablet contains 50 mg of Pycnogenol and is formulated to disintegrate rapidly within several minutes after ingestion for maximum bioavailability.

Pycnogenol is the registered trademark of Horphag Research and is the name given to their patented antioxidant complex produced solely from pine bark which contains a unique mixture of proanthocyanidins (a bioflavonoid), organic acids, and other active compounds. Other proanthocyanidin extracts may want to call themselves "pycnogenol", but they can't legally. Pycnogenol is a unique product recognized by U.S. and international patents covering its innovative methods of extraction, preparation, and biological applications.

Pycnogenol is made exclusively from the bark of the European coastal pine, Pinus maritima, which grows along the Atlantic coast of southern France. The nutrient-rich bark is processed by gentle water extraction through a solvent-free method which recovers all the water soluble components and maximizes bioavailability

Each scored tablet contains:
Pycnogenol 50 mg

Ingredients: Pycnogenol® patented pine bark extract, microcrystalline cellulose, rice starch, silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

Contains no yeast; corn; wheat; soya; sugar or other sweeteners; artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

Suggested Use:
1 to 3 tablets daily