

服用方法: 摇匀, 每天两次,每次口服30滴,或按照医疗保健专业人士的指示。

Agrimonia eupatoria 3X  - 妥协的排毒途径。

Cantharis 12X-对粘膜,泌尿器官,生殖器官,胃肠道和皮肤形成水疱的急性炎症;在体腔中渗出。

紫锥菊(Echinacea angustifolia)1X  - 用于严重和发烧感染的辅助治疗。

谷胱甘肽5X  - 协助打开排毒途径。

Petroselinum sativum 1X  - 泌尿道炎症,膀胱过敏。

一枝黄花virgaurea 1X  - 肾功能不全,肝脏疾病。

Arctostaphylos uva ursi 1X  - 泌尿道收集系统的信息。

肾脏4X,6X,12X,30X,200X  - 支持健康肾脏组织的肾脏sarcodes。

石松(Lycopodium clavatum)12X-呼吸道的炎症,一般血液中毒,传染病的后遗症,肝胆系统的炎症和紊乱,消化功能紊乱,代谢紊乱,泌尿器官炎症,肾结石,静脉曲张,各种慢性和急性

Pareira brava 3X  - 从膀胱排尿,泌尿道炎症,前列腺肿大的排尿障碍。

肾结石12X,30X  - 用于肾结石的Nosode解毒剂。

茜草(Rubia tinctorum)12X  - 清洁和解毒肾脏,胆囊和淋巴系统;有助于防止肾结石形成和减少现有肾结石的大小;结合泌尿道中的钙,降低尿钙晶体的生长速度。



Agrimonia eupatoria 3X – Compromised detox pathways.

Cantharis 12X – Acute infammation of the mucosa, the urinary organs, the reproductive organs, the gastrointestinal tract, and the skin with formation of blisters; effusions in cavities of the body.

Echinacea angustifolia 1X – Adjuvant therapy for serious and feverish infections。

Glutathione 5X – Assists with opening detox pathways.

Petroselinum sativum 1X – Infammation of the urinary tract, irritable urinary bladder.

Solidago virgaurea 1X – Renal insuffciency, hepatic disorders.

Arctostaphylos uva ursi 1X – Infammation of the urinary tract collection system.

Kidney 4X, 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X – Kidney sarcodes to support healthy kidney tissue.

Lycopodium clavatum 12X – Infammation of the respiratory or-gans, general blood poisoning, sequelae of infectious diseases, infammation and disorders of the hepatobiliary system, digestive disorders, metabolic disorders, infammation of the urinary organs, nephrolithiasis, varicose veins, various chronic and acute
dermal diseases, paramenia and infammation of the female re-productive organs, other age-related illnesses, behavioral disorders, emotional discord or upset.

Pareira brava 3X – Disorders in voiding from the urinary bladder, urinary tract infammation, enlargement of the prostate gland.

Renal calculi 12X, 30X – Nosode detoxifer for kidney stones.

Rubia tinctorum 12X – Cleanses and detoxifes the kidneys, gall bladder and lymphatic system; assists with preventing kidney stone formation and reducing the size of existing kidney stones; binds calcium in the urinary tract and reduces the growth rate of urinary calcium crystals.

Other Ingredients: Glycerin 15%, Ethanol 15%, Purifed Water 70%.
This product is gluten-free.

Take 30 drops orally twice daily, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Shake well.