
每个 1/2 滴管包含:

补充事实  份量 1/2 滴管   (0.5 毫升)   %DV

每个容器的份数 59 维生素 B12 与甲钴胺  2,500 微克  104,167%

* 每日价值未确定


建议剂量:作为膳食补充剂,每天服用 0.5 毫升(1/2 滴管)或遵照保健医生的建议。 为获得最佳效果,在吞咽前含在嘴里,最好是在舌头下一分钟。 对于年幼的孩子,可以一次滴几滴在舌下,以便更有效地吸收。本产品可以舌喷和鼻喷两用。据该产品的资料介绍,该产品用于鼻喷的效果跟MB12针剂的效果差不多。

成人: 每天左右鼻孔各喷一次。
小孩: 每天只在其中一个鼻孔喷一次。而后的日子,交替喷左右鼻孔。有的孩子需要量大,可以按照成人量给。




Methylcobalamin or Methyl B12 is a form of vitamin B12 that is considered to be more absorbable and effectively utilized than other forms of B12.  Adequate levels of Methyl B12 are needed to protect nerve tissue and maintain the myelin sheaths that cover the nerve endings.  Vitamin B-12 is required for proper digestion, absorption of foods, protein synthesis, and anemia prevention. Helping to metabolize fats and carbohydrates, it aids cell formulation and longevity. Vitamin B-12 promotes development of healthy red blood cells and maintenance of nerve tissue.  Adequate levels of this vitamin is important for the creation of glutathione and to assist the body in detoxification.


New Beginnings Nutritionals has formulated a new product called Methyl-Mate which provides an ultra concentrated (1 ml – 5000 mcg) form of methylcobalamine which contains no flavorings or artificial preservatives.


Suggested Dosage:  Suggested Dosage: As a dietary supplement, take 0.5mL (1/2 dropper) per day or as suggested by your healthcare practitioner. For best results, hold in the mouth, preferably under the tongue, for one minute before swallowing. For young children, a few drops at a time can be squirted under the tongue to allow for more effective absorption.



Each 1/2 dropper contains:


Supplement Facts
Serving Size1/2 dropper
(0.5 ml)


Servings per container59 
Vitamin B12 with Methylcobalamin

2,500 mcg


* Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients: Purified water,  citric acid, and potassium sorbate.