
维生素B6 - 这是必需的水溶性维生素在体内许多重要的功能,包括正常的大脑发育和大脑中神经递质的合成。 B- 6缺乏症的副作用是难以集中注意力和短期记忆丧失。

必需的矿物质镁 - 这平静的过动的身体和心灵,并帮助调节血糖。镁缺乏症是常见于80%的美国人口。

肉碱来自酪氨酸和蛋氨酸的氨基酸,有助于人体脂肪酸转换成能量的重要营养素。合成DHA (鱼油中发现的) ,这是至关重要的健康的脑功能所需的足量的肉碱。有研究表明低血浆肉碱有行为问题之间的关系。

磷脂酰丝氨酸(不含大豆) - 由氨基酸丝氨酸和脂肪酸,对脑细胞的正常运作是至关重要的一个关键磷脂。已被证明在最佳的记忆,情绪,注意力和自我监管的行为研究,以支持本补充。



镁(镁甘氨酸螯合** 200毫克50
乙酰肉碱    500毫克


碧萝芷®松树皮(松海上) ,干浸膏25毫克

其它成分:素食主义者的胶囊剂(羟丙基甲基纤维素,水) ,纤维素,二氧化硅,和硬脂酸镁。

。夏普PS ®绿色品牌,注册商标的Enzymotec有限公司

这些声明尚未评估由FDA 。本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治疗或预防任何疾病。


Focus-Mate is a new supplement to support self-regulation, focus and concentration. This is the first combination product to contain optimal doses of the following researched-based ingredients:

Vitamin B6 – This water soluble vitamin is required for many essential functions in the body including normal brain development and the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain. A side effect of B-6 deficiency is difficulty concentrating and short-term memory loss.

Magnesium - This essential mineral calms the hyperactive body and mind and assists with the regulation of blood sugar. Magnesium deficiency is common in 80% of the American population.

L-Carnitine –An important nutrient that is derived from the amino acids Tyrosine and Methionine and helps the body convert fatty acids into energy. Adequate amounts of L-Carnitine are needed for the synthesis of DHA (found in fish oil) which is critical for healthy brain function. Research has shown a relationship between low plasma levels of Carnitine with behavior problems.

Phosphatidylserine (soy-free) – A critical phospholipid made from the amino acid Serine and fatty acids that is critical for the proper functioning of brain cells. This supplement has been shown in studies to support optimal memory, mood, attention and self-regulatory behaviors.

Pycnogenol– An extract from the bark of the French maritime pine that possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Pycnogenol has been shown in research studies to both increase glutathione levels and to decrease the level of stress hormones which can reduce the overall amount of oxidative stress in the body.

Suggested Dosage:Take 2-4 capsules daily in divided doses, between meals or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. For optimal benefit, it is highly recommended that this supplement be taken with 1-2 grams of purified fish oil daily.

Four vegetarian capsules contain:

Supplement Facts

Serving size

4 Capsules


Servings per container



Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride)

50 mg


Magnesium (as magnesium bisglycinate chelate**)

200 mg



500 mg


Phosphatidylserine (soy-free)***

200 mg


Pycnogenol® Pine Bark (Pinus maritime), dried extract****

25 mg


* Daily Value not established.

Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsules (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, water), cellulose, silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

** Albion Laboratories
***.Sharp-PS® GREEN brand, a registered trademark of Enzymotec, Ltd.
**** Pycnogenol® is a registered trademark of Horphag Research Ltd.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.