



 辅酶Q10对心血管健康有好外。通过对所有细胞提供细胞能量,辅酶Q10改善心脏肌肉的氧气。 在身体主要的解毒器官是肝脏,为了实现解毒,连续细胞能量是必需的,并且辅酶Q10有助于支持此细胞能量。


辅酶Q10是安全的,无不良影响。 辅酶Q10是一种完全天然物质,在许多食品中找到。食品中最富有这种营养素是动物内脏,如肝脏,心脏或肾脏和某些鱼类,主要是沙丁鱼和鲭鱼。其他来源包括鸡蛋,菠菜,花椰菜,马铃薯,玉米和芝麻。各种坚果,如开心果,核桃,花生,栗子,杏仁还含有辅酶Q10 。不幸的是,被烹调或加工过的食品降低了辅酶Q10的水平。

不含: 糖,大豆,小麦,酪蛋白,面筋,牛奶,防腐剂,酵母,明胶,人造香料,人造色素,花生,坚果或鱼。

成分: 山梨醇,CoQ10,天然覆盆子口味,二氧化硅,硬脂酸(蔬菜),柠檬酸,硬脂酸镁(蔬菜),三氯蔗糖。






Supports the immune system and mitochondria, the energy producing units of cells. Kirkman® offers CoQ10 in 100 mg chewable tablets that are sweetened with sucralose and have a delicious raspberry flavor. Free of common allergens. Gluten and casein free. Ultra Tested®.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is also known as “ubiquinone” or “ubidecarenone,” but most commonly as CoQ10. This substance is an essential component of mitochondria, the energy producing unit of our body cells. Every bodily process — including all immune system responses — requires CoQ10.

The body manufactures CoQ10, but many people don’t produce it very efficiently due to the highly complicated biochemical process involved. The quantity of CoQ10 obtained from dietary sources is often not enough.

How can CoQ10 supplementation help individuals?

CoQ10 is a necessary component of the energy producing process of every cell. No other substance can be substituted for it and without it, there literally is no life. In order for the body to produce an immune system response, a constant supply of energy is required, and to produce this energy, a continuous and adequate amount of CoQ10 must be present.

CoQ10 also has very strong antioxidant activity, which protects against free radical damage. Simply defined, a free radical is a highly reactive molecule that can bind and damage (or destroy) body cells. Oxidative free radical damage is what makes us age. Nutrients with antioxidant activity like CoQ10 can help neutralize free radicals. CoQ10 works synergistically with other nutrients with antioxidant activity, such as vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene.

Other potential benefits of CoQ10

CoQ10 may have a place in cardiovascular health. By supplying cellular energy to all cells, CoQ10 improves oxygenation of the heart muscles. Statin drug use depletes CoQ10 body stores.

The main detoxifying organ in our bodies is the liver. In order to accomplish detoxification, continuous cellular energy is required and CoQ10 helps support this cellular energy.

CoQ10 is also important in supporting mitochondrial function within the cells.

Is CoQ10 safe?

Research indicates no adverse effects from long- term use of CoQ10. It is well-tolerated by the body, and the only reported side effect has been slight nausea or discomfort, which is extremely rare.